If you and your spouse agree on how to handle your kids and your money after divorce . . . 


. . . or even if you're pretty close to agreeing. . .


. . . then I want to show you how to get an uncontested (mediated) divorce.

What is an uncontested or mediated divorce and will that work for me?

I'm glad you asked.


An uncontested divorce simply means that -- by the time your divorce is filed with the Court -- you and your spouse agree on all child-related and financial terms.


Some couples come to me after they've agreed on everything (hence the name "uncontested"), and they just need help with the paperwork.


Other couples come to me when they're very close to an agreement -- or very motivated to reach agreement.  For those couples, I can usually finalize the divorce terms within 1 or 2 mediation sessions, hence the name "mediated"  divorce.


Whichever of these categories you and your spouse fit into, the bottom line is the same --


I can help you get divorced with a clear and professionally-drafted agreement. . .


. . . in less time and for less money.

Click Here to Get Started NOW

Inside of my Uncontested Divorce Course, I walk you and your spouse step-by-step through the uncontested divorce process.


We will get the divorce documents drafted, filed with, and approved by the Court.


Then, I'll show you how to implement the terms of your divorce agreement.


And, if you're willing to roll up your sleeves and do a little bit of DIY-ing (with my guidance, of course), we'll get it all done for a one-time flat fee of. . . 


. . . $1,997.

Here's how this will work.

Step 1

You join the program for the one-time flat fee.  This fee includes UNLIMITED email access to me, IMMEDIATE access to the forms and video content and a private review meeting with me.

Step 2

Immediately upon joining, you'll have access to a platform that I've custom created. The platform has all of the templates and instructions that you'll need.

Step 3

And I'm not just dumping a bunch of content on you and walking away.  I will guide you step-by-step by feeding you bite-sized pieces one at a time.  All you have to do is follow my instructions and we'll make a great team.

Step 4

I will move you through a process that will result in you having completed all of the paperwork needed for your uncontested divorce.  Then, you will have a private review meeting with me via Zoom so that we can make sure all of the I's are dotted and T's are crossed.

Step 5

You attend an uncontested hearing with the Court (likely, via Zoom) to conclude your case.

Step 6

I show you how to complete all of the post-divorce housekeeping so that you can move on with your life.

Step 1

You join the program for the one-time flat fee.  This fee includes UNLIMITED email access to me for six months, IMMEDIATE access to the forms and video content (also for six months) and a private review meeting with me.

Step 2

Immediately upon joining, you'll have access to a platform that I've custom created. The platform has all of the templates and instructions that you'll need.

Step 3

And I'm not just dumping a bunch of content on you and walking away.  I will guide you step-by-step by feeding you bite-sized pieces one at a time.  All you have to do is follow my instructions and we'l

Step 4

I will move you through a process that will result in you having completed all of the paperwork needed for your uncontested divorce.  Then, you will have a private review meeting  with me via Zoom so that we can make sure all of the I's are dotted and T's are crossed.

Step 5

You attend an uncontested hearing with the Court (likely, via Zoom) to conclude your case.

Step 6

I show you how to complete all of the post-divorce housekeeping so that you can move on with your life.

Sound like a plan?  Good.  Here's what to do next. . .


At the bottom of this page, you'll see the orange JOIN button. 


You're going to click that button.

Then, you'll enter some information to create your account, including:


  • some details that will allow my office to perform what's called a "conflicts check" -- meaning, I'm just double-checking to make sure that I have no conflict in advising you on an uncontested divorce; and


  • the information for the credit card that you're going to use the pay the one-time flat fee.  Your credit card information is automatically stored on a secured server, so my office will not have access to that information.


Once you join, you'll land on a page where I'll tell you exactly what to do first and what to do next.

You'll have immediate access to the content, so you can get started right away.


I will be checking in on you periodically via email, and you'll be able to email me directly any time you have a question.


Talk to you soon.


Click Here to JOIN
Still Have Questions? Click Here to Email Me. I'll Get Right Back To You.